Monday, March 9, 2009

Mixtape Monday!

Hey guys, and welcome to Mixtape Monday! I'm gonna try this new thing where I post a mixtape/playlist every Monday! I think it's a fun idea. You might find something new, you might not. Oh well, I love all the music I post, and I hope you do too! Also, I really think I need a better layout for my blog, so I'm taking suggestions for that too!

Mixtape Monday: Mix 1
1. Manifest Destiny - Guster
2. The Dog Song - Nellie McKay
3. Mr. Pitiful - Matt Costa
4. Meet You In My Dreams - Building Rome
5. The General Specific - Band of Horses
6. Hold Heart - Emiliana Torrini
7. Dream - Priscilla Ahn
8. Time. It Will Not Erase Me - Lost in the Trees
9. Syrup and Honey - Duffy
10. Absolutely Cuckoo - The Magnetic Fields
11. The Only One - Ready Made FC featuring Yael Naim
12. Breakdown - Handsome Boy Modeling School featuring Jack Johnson

You can download the playlist here. I don't think the list downloads in order though, so you'll have to manually put them in order. Sorry! Also, the picture at the top of this post is from Lauren Alexander. Her work is beautiful, and this picture is so cute! It totally embodies what I'm feeling today (the hope that spring will be here soon!), so go check out her work!

Happy Monday, and I hope you enjoy the music!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad I inspired you to update your blog! I love the picture you have posted, it's adorable!

